What factors affect the service life of sintered stainless steel filter element?

Abstract: In this paper, three key factors affecting the service life of sintered stainless steel filter are discussed in detail, including filter precision, filter material selection and working environment.Through in-depth analysis of these factors, customers can better understand and choose AHT sintered stainless steel filter element, improve equipment performance and extend service life.

1、The accuracy of sintered stainless steel filter is one of the important factors affecting its service life.Under normal circumstances, the service life of the filter element with higher filtration accuracy is relatively short, because the high-precision filter element needs to withstand greater pressure and is easy to clog.However, reducing the filtration accuracy in order to extend the service life of the filter element may lead to a decrease in the filtration effect and even damage to the equipment.Therefore, when choosing AHT sintered stainless steel filter element, it is necessary to weigh according to actual needs and equipment performance to achieve the best filtration effect and service life.


2、The filter material is the core component of the sintered stainless steel filter element, which has a decisive impact on the service life of the filter element.When choosing the domestic alternative sintered mesh stainless steel filter element, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and performance of the filter material.Although the quality of domestic materials has been continuously improved in recent years, there are still some differences.For example, some manufacturers may use chemical fiber or inferior glass fiber as a filter material, resulting in a greatly shortened service life of the filter element.Therefore, when choosing AHT sintered stainless steel filter element, it is recommended to pay attention to the selection of filter materials and select high-quality materials to improve the service life and filtration effect of the filter element.

3、The working environment is also an important factor affecting the service life of sintered stainless steel filter element.If the medium filtered by the filter element is relatively clean, and the filter element can be replaced in time, then the service life of the filter element is generally not too much error.However, if the working environment is harsh, such as the medium contains a large number of impurities, particles, etc., or the filter element is not replaced for a long time, it may lead to problems such as blockage and wear of the filter element, thereby shortening its service life.Therefore, when using the AHT sintered stainless steel filter element, we should pay attention to the impact of the working environment, regularly replace the filter element and clean the equipment to extend the service life of the filter element.

In summary, the service life of sintered stainless steel filter element is affected by many factors, including the precision of the filter element, the selection of the filter material and the working environment.When selecting and using AHT sintered stainless steel filter element, these factors should be fully considered to improve equipment performance and extend service life.At the same time, pay attention to the latest technology and product information of AHT company in order to better meet the actual needs.


AHT/ Hartong, Wire mesh Co., Ltd. as a manufacturer of wire mesh and filter products, can provide the required equipment and accessories, you can choose the right wire mesh and filter products according to your needs.

Post time: Apr-24-2024